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2006 - July 7th - Friday

JH phoned Sharon Lambert  Although JH had asked Su to tell Sharon – in Sharon’s capacity as my second Attorney – about the Donation, JH decided to give Sharon a ring and tell her.

JH also phoned up the RLH about their large bell in the entrance hall: the bell was made in 1757 at the Whitechapel Bell Foundry; it was initially used to ‘empty’ the hospital of visitors in the evening, prior to the doors being shut and locked; in the War it was used as a siren; THE BELL WILL BE SOUNDED TODAY IN COMMEMORATION OF THE LONDON BOMBS IN 2005 when JH and Angela Tilly were supposedly going to the Sir John Soane Museum.  Kate Richardson spoke to JH from the Arts in Hospital office (query correct title); JH also mentioned the fascinating drawings {query down on the lower ground floor in the RLH} of inside the brain, these drawings endeavoured to interpret the inner workings of the brain.

2006 - July 12th - Wednesday
In 2006 during National Transplant Week (9th to 15th July) there was an article in the Herald entitled Transplants - The Facts

2006 - July 14th - Friday

JH rang Lyn Headon at her home – Lyn had had her hernia repaired about a week ago and so was not at work.  JH mentioned to her that it had passed through JH’s mind that perhaps the surgery (JH's & K's) could be undertaken at Derriford Hospital, but that this move would only be an advantage if the surgery could be done earlier (a nice Christmas present for Kathy); Lyn pointed out that even people from throughout the West Country were expected to come to Derriford for FU frequently for some days/weeks.  Further Action: JH to contact Sara Stacey with a view to discussing this; JH to ask Sara if the latter has received a letter from Dr Thuraisingham.

2006 - July 15th - Saturday

JH received a copy letter from Kathy to Tony Benn, Labour MP 1950 – 2001, inviting him to the Hipsey Reunion – in view of his mentioning in his book Dare to be a Daniel about taking the family washing to Mrs Hipsey in Steeple.

Link to: "One Person's Tragedy Gave Chris the Gift of a New Life"
Evening Herald - 12/07/2006

Link to: "Transplants the Facts - 2006"
Evening Herald - 12/07/2006

Link to "Dare to Be a Daniel"
by Tony Benn MP - 2004