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Kathy and Jeanette taken during National Transplant Week July 2008
My Diary is based upon actual events. However, NONE of the characters and incidents described, and NONE of the names are fictitious, and with respect to such characters and incidents, any similarity to the names, characters and history of any person living or dead, or any actual event, are NOT in the least co-incidental, and are fully intended – errors, omissions, and offence excepted.

What's in a name? . . .


All the patient ladies, who were told by Kathy that I was the donor of my kidney to Kathy - so that it became her kidney - thanked me openheartedly. Four ladies were patricularly observed by JH - during her people-watching opportunity whilst an inpatient on Paulin Ward: these ladies' names have been changed.


I did not know the names of some patients – or more likely, I forgot them after I had been told - so I have given them soubriquets composed of initials, which pick out a particular element of their personalities. My intention is to be joyful about the resilience and resoursefulness of the Human Being, together with the acknowledgement of the sadnesses experienced by each one of us in our own different ways.

*Article in Essex Family Historian

Jeanette Hipsey 2012

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